Giulia Biancon


Giulia Biancon


Ematologia >
Scienza e Ricerca >

Se prenoti con il Servizio Sanitario troverai uno dei professionisti dell’équipe della disciplina che hai scelto. I professionisti si avvicenderanno tra di loro ma è sempre garantita la continuità delle cure.


Studio delle Sindromi Mielodisplastiche e della Leucemia Mieloide Acuta

  • Sequenziamento RNA
  • Microscopia Confocale
  • Citofluorimetria
  • Modelli preclinici

Laureata in Biotecnologie Mediche nel 2012 all'Università degli Studi di Milano, dove consengue la laurea magistrale in Medical Biotechnologies and Molecular Medicine nel 2014 e il dottorato di ricerca in Experimental Medicine and Medical Biotechnologies nel 2019.

Da settembre 2024 fa parte del team del "Laboratorio e Ricerca" dell'Ematologia del Policlinico di Milano come Start-Up PI. Il progetto - "The oncogenic role of biomolecular condensates in splicing factor-mutant myeloid malignancies" - è finanziato da Fondazione AIRC per la Ricerca sul Cancro, continuando la collaborazione come Assistant Professor Adjunct alla Yale University School of Medicine dove ha svolto il post dottorato dal 30 gennaio 2019 a agosto 2024.

  • Sindromi Mielodisplastiche
  • Leucemia Mieloide Acuta
  • RNA
  • Condensati Biomolecolari


Honors and Awards:

  • ExCEL (Excellence in Career Enrichment Leadership) Scholar Award, Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center, NY, USA 2024 
  • Eclipse Award for Innovation in High Throughput Biology, RNA Society 2023
  • ISSNAF Young Investigator Award – Winner of the Paola Campese Award for Research in Hematologic Malignancies. This award recognizes outstanding early-career Italian researchers, working in North America, for their contribution to their research field 2022
  • ASH Abstract Achievement Award, 64th ASH Annual Meeting (Oral Presentation) 2022
  • Best Poster Award, 27th RNA Society Annual Meeting (Poster Presentation) 2022
  • ASH Abstract Achievement Award, 63rd ASH Annual Meeting (Oral Presentation) 2021
  • NSF conference award to support training and innovation in RNA science and bioinformatics, 26th RNA Society Annual Meeting (Oral Presentation) 2021
  • ASH Abstract Achievement Award, 62nd ASH Annual Meeting (Oral Presentation) 2020
  • ASH Abstract Achievement Award, 61st ASH Annual Meeting (Poster Presentation) 2019
  • Selected to attend the Young Female Leaders in Science course sponsored by Yale CCEH 2019




  • AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research) Start-Up Grant Title: The oncogenic role of biomolecular condensates in splicing factor-mutant myeloid malignancies. Description: Applying a multi-omics approach to investigate dysregulations in biomolecular condensates and to define their clinical relevance in U2AF1-mutant and SRSF2-mutant MDS/AML. Role: PI 09/24-09/29
  • Edward P. Evans Foundation - EvansMDS Young Investigator Award Title: Mutant splicing factors induce aberrant RNA subcellular compartmentalization in MDS. Description: Investigating the oncogenic mechanism that connect splicing alterations to changes in the subcellular compartmentalization of RNA molecules, in the context of myelodysplastic syndromes. Role: PI 07/23-06/26
  • ASH (American Society of Hematology) Fellow Scholar Award Title: Investigating and targeting stress granule biology in splicing factor-mutant myeloid malignancies. Description: Exploring the interplay between splicing factor (SF) mutations and stress granules in myeloid malignancies to better understand mechanisms underlying the proliferative advantage of SF-mutant cells. Role: PI 07/23-06/25 


  • NIH/NIDDK Cooperative Centers of Excellence in Hematology U24 DK126127 Title: Biomolecular condensates in splicing factor-mutant myelodysplastic syndromes. Description: Characterization of altered biomolecular condensate components in splicing factor-mutant vs wildtype MDS. Role: PI 11/21-10/22
  • PacBio SMRT Pilot Grant Title: Co-transcriptional RNA splicing in splicing factor-mutant myeloid malignancies. Description: Long-read RNA-seq to uncover splicing alterations driven by U2AF1 mutations. Role: Postdoctoral Associate 11/21-10/22
  • 10x Genomics Pilot Grant Title: Integrative single-cell approaches in U2AF1-mutant MDS/AML patients. Description: Assessing the feasibility of investigating the genotype-phenotype relationship at single-cell level in U2AF1-mutant MDS patients. Role: Postdoctoral Associate 11/20-10/21 08/20-07/21
Aggiornato alle 13:26 del 11/10/2024