Advice from gynecologists

What should mothers pay attention to when approaching the term of pregnancy?

The most important things to pay attention to when approaching the term of pregnancy are basically three:

- The first is to recognize the baby's movements. Normally when you get to 38-39 weeks of gestation the amniotic fluid reduces a little bit, so the intensity and strength of your baby's movements will seem reduced. This is normal; there is less space and so the movements appear a little more attenuated.

- The second thing is to be sure that your weight and blood pressure are normal and do not have sudden increases; this is easy to understand and your OB/GYN will educate you to do so.

- The third thing is to continue to have a regular and correct lifestyle:

  • a good diet based mainly on vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, nuts; no sugar; pasta and rice not 2 times a day, but more rarely, seasoned with extra virgin oil and no butter.
  • practice physical activity according to what you feel like doing and according to your sports habits (long walks, swimming, pilates).

Physical activity during pregnancy: what cautions should you have?

Physical activity during pregnancy has been a topic of discussion for a long time, and today we certainly have very clear guidelines on what to do. In the past, when physical labor was heavy and difficult and there were not the maternity protections we have today, we used to recommend sparing physical activity.

Today, on the contrary, women very often lead very sedentary lives while working. It was realized, therefore, that in order to have a good course of pregnancy - and especially to have a normal life toward the end of pregnancy, without struggling to take the stairs, or to breathe, without the feeling of not being able to hold the weight of the belly - it is important from the beginning of pregnancy to continue regular physical activity at least 3 times a week for an hour: pilates, yoga, walking, swimming, brisk walking, whatever you like.

Walking does not mean shopping walking, it means an energetic walk that brings your heart rate to at least 120-130 beats per minute. This allows the heart to develop well when you are still at 16-20 weeks (that is, in the fourth-fifth month) and to be able to nourish you (but more importantly to nourish the baby and the placenta) when you get to the eighth-ninth month, when instead, very often, the heart struggles in those women who have led a too sedentary life and have not taken these new recommendations into account.

How to face childbirth with serenity?

The serenity of childbirth is the most beautiful thing there can be because of the experience you are going to live, but it is also the most beautiful thing because of how the natural mechanism of labor and delivery can then work. The opposite of serenity are fear and stress that alter the course of labor itself.

So how to face labor and delivery with serenity and without fear, without stress?
First, it is important to be well followed in pregnancy, that is, to be sure that the placenta and baby are well, and that the pregnancy is progressing normally.

The second thing is to work with the midwife in birth coaching classes. This is an important time of preparation. Not knowing the time of delivery is like facing a climb without knowing anything; on the contrary, to prepare yourself it is useful to already know the mountain you are going to climb. Meetings with the midwife allow, even if it is the first time, to see the path together, study it, get to know it and share it with other people. This gives you the confidence that you know how to do it. So the recommendation is: be followed according to pregnancy guidelines and follow the accompanying birth classes. In Clinica Mangiagalli, the pre-birth classes consist of small groups of women at the same week of gestation who can share their doubts and emotions, and solve any problems together with the midwives and doctors as well.

Sexual intercourse in pregnancy

Pregnancy for the couple is a point of arrival but it is also a point of transition and departure. In the couple's life of two people who love each other and want to have a child together, sexual life is naturally an integral part of this relationship.

In pregnancy, in this transitional phase, can you have sexual intercourse if you want to?
The answer is yes, there are no contraindications in having sexual intercourse during pregnancy even until full term.

However, the recommendations are mainly for the male partner. It is important to consider very much what is the attitude and desire of the partner: so avoid conditions that in any way could force intercourse because this means starting a transitional phase (having a child, with all the little big complications that entails) in the wrong way.

So: you can have sexual intercourse during pregnancy, the important thing is that your partner takes very much into account your feelings and desire and how much you want to share.

Aggiornato alle 14:37 del 14/12/2023