Puerperium and breastfeeding: how to calmly face them

The puerperium is the period that begins as soon as the baby is born and lasts about six weeks. During this period you will go through changes of a clinical nature but also on a psychological level. After your baby is born, childbirth occurs, meaning you will expel the placenta from the uterus. In these two hours you will be monitored by the midwives regarding uterine contractions, expulsion of the lochia, blood loss and clinical parameters.

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Video / Puerperium: how to calmly face it


The benefits of breastfeeding are widely recognized, both from a nutritional and relational point of view. In the first few days the mother may need help and support. The most important thing is to assume a correct position that helps the newborn to suck well and consume enough milk.

Breastfeeding is also a choice. Let's see together how to approach this very intimate moment between the new mother and her baby by answering the most frequently asked questions.

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Video / Breastfeeding: how to calmly face it

Aggiornato alle 14:35 del 14/12/2023